Posts for Tag: Friendship

Some Love Wins humor..

I've had like, four different people share this video with me, because they thought I'd be entertained by it.. And they were right!

So, this is the original video that Rob Bell posted promoting his book Love Wins.

I will tell you, that my first reaction when I watched that was "Uh, I have absolutely no problem believing that Gandhi is in Hell". I've always been told that it doesn't matter how good of a person you are, it's about what you believe.. Who you believe in. And from what I know of Gandhi, he wasn't a Christian. But, props to Bell for using Gandhi as a way to draw people in, because (especially non believers) would have a hard time thinking about Gandhi - who is known for being this great peace making guy and for inspiring and helping tons of people - going to Hell. I feel like most spiritual leaders that I know would have gone the other way with using Gandhi as an example.. Instead of implying that how could you really believe that someone as good as Gandhi could go to hell, it should instead be even someone as good as Gandhi will go to Hell if he doesn't believe the Truth... Anyways...

This is a parody video that was sent to me by a bunch of people, and it cracks me up!

It cracks me up, because yes, he's making fun of Rob Bell's absurdity.. But at the same time, he makes some very valid points.

"Why not just talk like an idiot?"

And in other news, I'm bummed that I'm going to be missing opportunities to hear Francis Chan and John Piper speak while I'm on my vacation in a few weeks! God has a sense of humor, that's for sure..

Laughter is such a blessing

I love to laugh.

Love. Love. Love. With a capital L on every single one!

I don't care if I have more wrinkles than anybody in the entire world when I get older - they will be wrinkles marking how much I laughed during my life!

Let me share a recent time when I laughed – REALLY laughed. And if you don’t want to read it… Well, it’s my blog. Suck it up J

On Saturday night, I hung out with Phill and Leigh. We went to the movies and then headed to Chipotle. We went to the movie super early and we got out at 6:30 (I can't remember the last time I went INTO a movie before 8!)… And I refused to say goodbye to them before 7 PM on a Saturday! So I suggested Chipotle - my default location anytime a question of where to eat is brought up.

We spent about 2 and half hours at Chipotle. Just talking, and sharing, and LAUGHING. Oh my, did we laugh.

I laugh all the time. I laugh when I'm on the phone. I laugh when I'm texting a witty (in my opinion) reply. I laugh when I think of a memory. I laugh when I tell a story. I laugh at work. I laugh at home. I laugh with friends. I'm sure I'd laugh with enemies if I had any! I even laughed when I broke my pinky in Jr. High. And when I got my hand shut in a car door.

It tends to be my default reaction to situations – which I am perfectly okay with!

But man, on Saturday night… I cried. I cried from laughing.

Which I didn't realize until my drive home that night... But I haven't done that in a long time.

I didn't just cry. If you know me.. Then you can imagine this next situation that I'm going to describe rather well…

I started telling a story (for the sake of this post, I'll tell you that it was a story of my dumb, amazing, black dog.. Read more about her here), and the more I told about her... And the closer I got to the climax of the story... And the further ahead in my mind that I got than the words that were coming out of my mouth... The more I couldn't control myself.

First I was laughing. And you'd think I'd learn, but I tried to continue the story through the laughter. Then I started laughing some more, and tears started forming in my eyes. I still tried to continue the story. Then I realized... I couldn't continue. I had surpassed the laughing phase and had reached the uncontrollable, un-hearable (is that the word?) level of laughter. But, apparently I'm stubborn, I still tried to talk and tell the story.

And I got stuck on a line that wasn't even that funny... I think I got stuck on the sentence "and then she had a stroke" (yes, my dog).. But I got stuck between had and a... And it seriously took me about five minutes to get out the words "a stroke"...

Obviously, that is not funny. Yes, my dog had a stroke a few years ago. Yes, her face is crooked. Yes, she looks at you and you can't help but feel sympathy... But I was thinking about the next part of the story...

How my mom took Ali (the dog) to the vet last week and they found out that she has 6 heart murmurs (I know, still not funny)... But the doctor took her into the back room, and brought her out and said "did you know that her nose is crooked?" to which the response was "Um... well, her entire face is crooked, not just the nose"...

Wow. Still not funny.

But, to me, at Chipotle on Saturday night with my best friend and new friend (that I am beginning to think of as a sister)... Telling the story of my poor stroke victim dog was the funniest thing in the world to me.

I once babysat for a munchkin, and while we were playing with his trains, I was laughing at something, and he stopped, looked at me, and commented “I like you, you laugh a lot. Our other baby sitters don’t!” I’m okay with being the laughing babysitter J

I just want to make sure that people know that I'm happy because of Who I live my life for.

One of my favorite verses since I was in high school has been Proverbs 15:13.

A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.

I have a happy heart, and I am so thankful that God gave me a smile and lots of laughter to show it on my face!

The White Kids.. <3

Okay, I know it's 4 in the morning, but I just got home and I don't have work in the morning so I have no qualms about sleeping in today :)

This is a picture of 6 of the people that have known me the longest. They've known me forever! Let me give you the run down.

The far left is Danny. I've known Danny since 2nd grade. He's the youngest of the group, but only by about two months.

The lady with her arm around Danny is Stephanie! I've known Steph since 4th grade, although we've technically known each other since way before that because her old baby sitter is my neighbor.

The guy in the purple shirt is Nick (he's actually the reason we're all together, it was for his birthday). We all met him our freshman year of high school, but I tend to forget that because he fits with us all so well!

The girlie in front of me is Aileen, but everybody calls her Mae. I've known her since 1st grade, and then I went to another school from 2nd through 6th (where I met everyone else), and we were reunited in 7th grade. We've always called each other our "BFF from first grade until forever!"

Michelle is to the right of me! I've known her since 2nd grade! She was definitely one of my first friends that I made when I switched schools, and we've been friends ever since!

And the last one is Harrison, a.k.a. Ono, a.k.a. Butthead, a.k.a. Loser.. All said with love, of course. I met him in 5th grade, and then proceeded to be in love with him for the next few years (hah! I wasn't the only one..).


We've been affectionately nicknamed "The White Kids" by several people.. Which is funny, because actually, Michelle, Steph, and I are the only full white people.. The rest are all either half or not at all.. Lol

We've had our ups and downs of a group. And some of us hang out more than others - do you know how hard it is to line up 7 people's schedules when we all either work, go to school, or do both?? Some of these guys I see almost every week, and then others I see only every 6 months or so.. But it's always kinda fun to get together. And we rarely ever have ALL of us together! We were all together at Nick's first party at his apartment back in September, but Mae and I were leaving right as Michelle walked in the door, so we weren't really all together. However, on the way home, I was kicking myself because we'd missed the photo opportunity! So tonight, I was determined to get a picture!

And we did. And I kinda think it might be my new favorite picture.

Like I said, we've had our ups and downs (oh the drama that we had in high school!), but us girls will always be sisters, and the boys will always be what completes us into being one dysfunctional family. And I heart them very much <3

Here's some more pictures of us over the years..

6th grade - June 2001

8th grade trip to Washington DC - Spring Break 2003

9th grade Winter Formal - February 2004

Hawaii trip - November 2006

Grad night - June 2007

Watching LQ Band Camp preview - August 2008

If my life were on TV..

It's not a secret that I love reality shows. I swear I've blogged about it before (probably on my other blog somewhere), but I just skimmed over the titles and I couldn't find it.

Of all of my reality show obsessions, I can't deny that the Kardashians are my favorite. I don't know why. Maybe it's how they can do such horrible things like getting a DUI and having sex tapes leaked.. But in the end, they stick together cuz they're a family.

A lot of people relate to them, just because they go through the guy drama, family drama, work drama.. It's just on a grander scale and is in front of the spot light. I honestly can't say that I relate to them, just that they're so interesting.

Anyway, I was reading their newly released book Kardashian Konfidential today, and they were telling their life stories.. And I kept thinking about what it would be like if I were in their shoes. Not that I was Kim, Kourtney, or Khloe (hey, I would fit in as Kelsey, huh?), but if I was in their shoes as who I am.

How would the reality show look? Just put mine and my family's lives on the TV.

It's interesting to think about.

Cameras following Jenna, Selah, and I around to work, church, school, friends, home..

A camera watching me at work, as I talk, help, and deal with people. It would catch my (way too frequent) eye rolls as PEBCAC issues arise. They'd catch me laughing a lot. It'd probably cause issues (other than the distraction of a camera crew filling the office and legality issues) because you'd be ble to tell which people I enjoy helping more than others. Lol. It'd be interesting, though.

A camera following me to church would be cool. Get Pastor Mike's sermons (or snippets of them) out in the world beyond our church. It would show the amazing awesomeness of what a real, growing, God-focused church family looks like - and not the craziness that they always seem to display Christians as in the media. You'd see the genuine love for Christ and for each other. You could see that we know how to have fun. And we know how to please Christ. And I just think it'd be awesome!

Hah! A camera team following me at school would probably be really boring. It'd show me in class, reading a book behind my purse, texting under the desk, or doodling in my notebook (hey! I'm a multitasker!). It'd probably show me wide eyed at the craziness of liberal teachers and self focused fellow college students. I've lost track of how many times my jaw seems to hit the ground because of proclamations that teachers make.

I wonder what a camera would pick up when I'm with my friends. And what friends? My church friends or my school friends? Both? Would it show me acting differently around my different groups of friends? I hope not, that's something I've been working on the last few years, and I feel like I don't act differently now. It'd honestly probably show how happy I am when I mixed my worlds. It'd show how sad I get when I realize the lack of faith in a lot of my friends, and how much I love spiritual talks with any of them (believers or not).

They'd follow me to Disneyland with Phill, car rides with Nicole or Michelle, watching movies at Nick's with Mae, hanging with Ben, Phill, and Kimmie at the boys' house, and standing in line for midnight showings for hours on end.

And family time. That would be fun, actually. Like a constant streaming of home videos. It'd catch us laughing and talking. And stealing each others' food when one leaves the room and fighting over the softest blanket. It'd also show me in my room reading or on my laptop. Jenna napping on the couch. Mom sewing flags at the table. Dad reading on the couch or porch. It'd show Selah and Kenny coming over. Selah talking about baking or work, and Kenny sitting on the couch to see if there's a football game on the TV. It would rarely show us fighting or arguing. It'd probably be a good couple of seasons before you'd see any of that.

They'd probably catch a heck of a lot more - good and bad. It probably would only last a few episodes, because I don't think most people would understand, love, and enjoy my life the way that I do.

But at least it be some sweet videos for me :)


I used to blog all the time. For everything. "Today, I went to school. In band we had a playing test and I did okay. The trumpets need to practice sooo much though! In Anatomy, Nicole and I talked the whole time, and Mr. Persechina rolled his eyes and made fun of us. It's cuz we're white, I'm certain! I did absolutely nothing in AP Stats cuz AP testing is done and Mr. Snider doesn't care about what we do now, for the next 2 months.. In Civics, Mr. Moore came in and teased Mr. Tran about drinking Diet Coke.. I didn't learn anything in class other than what I've learned from West Wing. English was interesting. Sometimes I wonder why I didn't just suck it up and take AP English. Normal English is easy, but I'm not learning anything. Then I ditched 6th period to go hang out with the boys. We really didn't do anything."... Hahah..

Anyways, I'm glad I'm over that phase. I don't blog unless I have something I feel should be said. "Maybe this will change the world".. Or if not the world, than just affect someone's day in some way, shape, or form. Whether it puts a smile on their face, a wrinkle in their brow, or a thought in their mind that will sit there for weeks..

But I don't feel like I have anything to say right now. Well, not anything meaningful. But here's some random bullet point thoughts I've been having.

- I'm ridiculously thankful for my God, and I'm having deep sadness recently for people who don't know Him. Especially my friends.

- I am learning it is getting harder the older I get to give advice to my non-Christian friends. I give them advice, they tell me they don't want my "Bible opinion", they want my "normal person opinion". Trying to explain that, for me, I have one opinion has been the topic of many conversations. I'm determined not to back down.

- I am ridiculously thankful for Phillip. I'm not going into detail, but I thank God for his friendship every day.

- I had an ex get engaged. The news didn't affect me at all, which was exciting. Haha. I'm happy for him!

- I have friends on the extreme ends of dating. Some friends that are dating purely for the sake of not being alone. Some people that "realize" dating is meant to lead to marriage, but are okay with dating someone with no intent of it being serious. And some friends who just GET IT.. Lol.. It's rather interesting to be observing it all.

- I'm intrigued to see what this next school year is going to bring. People going away, people staying here, people going to school, people working.

I think that's it for now!
Sent from my Blackberry :)