"Do you still love me?"

One of the most heartbreaking texts I've ever received started with those five words.

"Do you still love me?"

And no, this is not some sappy, relationship longing filled post.

The night before I'd received that text, I'd had an extremely deep, heart-to-heart talk with one of my best friends that involved a confession, forgiveness, lots of tears, and prayer. It also involved confirmation that I loved her very much.

Satan lied to her in her dream that night as she dreamed that I'd changed my mind about loving her. I was so mad that after a beautiful moment of forgiveness and renewal, that the father of lies had made her doubt that I loved her for even a second.

And when I think about how my heart hurt that she could doubt how much I love her (even for a second), I started thinking about how it must hurt God when we feel that same way - when we've fallen victim at times to the lie that has us questioning if God really loves us. It must break His heart that He loves us more than we could ever imagine, and yet we don't always believe it. God saying that He loves us should be more than enough for us to never doubt Him, and yet He continues to remind us time and time and time again..

And even in spite of our doubt, humanity, impatience, and sin... He still loves us.

We are commanded to love one another just as Jesus loves us (John 13:34-35) - how could my response (or anyone else's response) to that text have been anything other than "Of course I still love you! Forever and ever!"

My Valentine's Day is going to be full of thankfulness that my Savior loves me and that I get to love Him, too.